3.3.3 Alert


The "Alert" feature allows users to view and manage notifications, set up keyword filters, and configure notification settings. This documentation provides an overview of how to use this feature effectively.

Viewing Alert Notifications

1. Accessing Alerts

To access your alert notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on the notification icon (usually represented by a bell icon) in the top navigation bar.

2. Notification List

You will be taken to the Alerts page, where you can see a list of your recent notifications. Notifications may include mentions, comments on your posts, and other relevant updates.

3. Mark as Read

To mark a notification as read, click on the notification item. This action acknowledges that you have seen the notification.

4. Clearing Alerts

To clear all your alerts, click on the "Clear All" button at the top or bottom of the alerts list.

Keyword Filters

1. Setting Up Keyword Filters

Keyword filters allow you to customize the type of notifications you receive. To set up keyword filters:

  1. Go to your profile settings.
  2. Select "Alert Settings" or a similar option.
  3. Look for the "Keyword Filters" section.
  4. Add keywords that are important to you. You will receive notifications related to these keywords.

2. Managing Filters

You can also manage your keyword filters by editing or removing keywords as needed. This allows you to fine-tune the alerts you receive.

Notification Configurations

1. Configuring Notification Settings

You can customize how you receive alerts. Common notification settings include:

  • Push Notifications: Receive notifications on your mobile device.
  • Email Notifications: Receive alerts via email.
  • In-App Notifications: Receive notifications when you are using the app.

2. Frequency

You can also configure the frequency of notifications, such as receiving them in real-time, daily, or weekly summaries.

Example Image

Here's an example of the Alerts page:

Alerts Example


The "Alert" feature provides a way to stay informed about important activities related to your account. By managing keyword filters and configuring notification settings, you can streamline your alert experience.

3.3.2 My Page