3.3.2 My Page


The "My Page" feature allows users to create and manage their own posts and reply to posts from their connected social media platforms. This documentation provides an overview of how to use this feature effectively.

Posting on My Page

1. Accessing My Page

To access your personal page, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on your profile picture or username in the top navigation bar.
  3. Select "My Page" from the drop-down menu.

2. Creating a Post

Once on your page, you can create a new post by clicking on the "Create Post" button. Here, you can compose your message, attach images or links, and choose the privacy settings for your post.

3. Adding Media

To add media to your post:

  • Click on the "Add Media" button.
  • Upload images or videos from your device or select media from your connected social media accounts.

4. Privacy Settings

You can choose who can see your post by setting the privacy options:

  • Public: Visible to everyone.
  • Friends Only: Visible to your friends.
  • Private: Visible to you only.

5. Posting

Once you have composed your post and configured the privacy settings, click the "Post" button to share it on your page.

Replying to Social Media Posts

You can also reply to posts from your connected social media platforms directly from your page.

1. Connecting Social Media Accounts

Before you can reply to social media posts, you need to connect your accounts. Here's how:

  1. Go to your page settings.
  2. Click on "Connect Social Media Accounts."
  3. Follow the prompts to link your social media profiles.

2. Replying

After connecting your social media accounts, you can reply to posts in the following way:

  1. Visit your page.
  2. Click on the post you want to reply to.
  3. Type your reply in the comment box.
  4. Click "Reply" to send your response to the social media platform.


The "My Page" feature provides a convenient way to manage your posts and interact with your social media connections. By following these guidelines, you can make the most of this feature and enhance your social media experience.

3.3.1 Dashboard